Monday, April 16, 2007

FreyTags Triangle Blog :

Rising Action- The rising action starts when Ransom is going to inside the boys house and these two boys offer him something to drink. They put drugs in the drink and thats when things go crazy. When Ransom tries to leave the house they hit him on the head and he loses his consciousness.

Climax- The climax is when Ransom edvidentually wakes up where he is on a spaceship going through space to a certain planet. When they land, Ransonm is able to escape from the two boys and becomes alone on this planet. He ends up meeting some creature known as hyoi and learns alot about their culture on this planet.

Falling Action- The hrossa ask ransom to join them in hunting a hnakra. They end up evidentually finding it and killing it and also Ransoms friend hyoi is killed by the two boys. (Devine and Weston)

Resolution- The space ship returns safely back to earth and Ranson doesnt know if he was dreaming or did all that really happen. But it turns out to be true and he decides to go ahead and do the mission that gave him before he left. This was to stop Weston from further evil.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Conflicts in my book..

In the book im reading, Out of the Silent Planet by: CS Lewis. I have only come across one conflict when reading so far. The conflict I have addressed was a Man vs. Nature conflict. In one chapter I read, it was about how Ransom was on this planet and was trying to fight off these creatures called sorns. He battled back and forth to try and save himself from these creatures. They were very vicious creatures and were after Ransom. He described them as " surrealistic bogy-men" with their long faces. This conflict as I stated above is the only one I could actually find so far in my book but im sure there are more to come....

Thursday, April 5, 2007

Star Wars: Part 1

When watching the movie "The Empire Strikes Back" I noticed that the concept of friendship was important at the beginning of the movie. When Han Solo was on his way to leave and then noticed that Luke Skywalker was missing and he ended up not leaving and coming back to save him from the snow storm. Then theres how Darth Vador can be an evil man and is obsessive with being able to control the universe. This movie also shows some loyalty between both sides that are fighting. The Emporer and Darth Vador. And also the friends that are fighting them are very loyal to Princess Laya.

Monday, April 2, 2007

Faith and my book...

The book I'm reading is called " Out of The Silent Planet " by: C.S. Lewis and I do believe that faith is involved some way in this book. In the first couple of chapters it tells about this guy going on a journey and this lady mistaking the guy for her missing son. I bring this part up because it shows that even though her son has been missing, she still has faith that he will come back soon and return to him. She doesn't see it like faith is where you dont have to see it you just beleive it. And thats what this lady is doing, she is having faith that her son will come home sometime soon and not giving up.

Sunday, April 1, 2007

The Star: Part 2

When we were discussing the story The Star on friday in class, I realized and learned a little more about the story that I didn't already know. I realized that this story could be an issue between science and religion. I never really looked at the story in that particular way until we discussed it. My thoughts on what we discussed are that I am a Christian and I do believe in God and everything he says and I don't believe that you can have faith in God and science at the same time. I also believe that God doesn't hurt people on purpose, it's all in his plan that he has for us in the future and what he wants to do. Why would you question God on what he does and what he's made when he's the one who has done it?..You should never question God and what he has done for all of us and he's the one who made the solar system and if he wants to destroy it he will. There should Never ever be any questioning towards God, he always follows through with what he does and what he says he's going to do.

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

* The Star *

Today when I read The Star in class, I became a little confused at some points during the story. Also I had a few questions about the story and jotted down some notes. I seem to think that these are two astronomers who are on a spaceship trying to figure out some things about stars. now to me, this story haas alot of questions it asks and confusion. Like why do they mention things about thinking someone has a special interest in us? Or ask questions about how the supernovas occur?. In my opinion this story was ok, but wasn't very interesting. It kind of bounced back and forth to me and I didn't follow real well. But I did get out of it is that there are two astronomers trying to question God and why this big supernova would hit so hard and destroy such a nice place. And my last question that i did jot down was about when they were asking about the sun. Does the sun really have only one meaning?

* The Star *

Today when I read The Star in class, I became a little confused at some points during the story. Also I had a few questions about the story and jotted down some notes. I seem to think that these are two astronomers who are on a spaceship trying to figure out some things about stars. now to me, this story haas alot of questions it asks and confusion. Like why do they mention things about thinking someone has a special interest in us? Or ask questions about how the supernovas occur?. In my opinion this story was ok, but wasn't very interesting. It kind of bounced back and forth to me and I didn't follow real well. But I did get out of it is that there are two astronomers trying to question God and why this big supernova would hit so hard and destroy such a nice place. And my last question that i did jot down was about when they were asking about the sun. Does the sun really have only one meaning?

Monday, March 26, 2007

My First Post!

The book I am reading is called " Out of the Silent Planet" by: C.S Lewis. So far what I have got from this book is that this guy named Ransom is on a journey looking for a place to stay when he comes across a women who thinks he is her son. But then realizes he's not and she asks him to help her find her son. He then ends up coming to a house where he finds the boy but the boy refuses to go home. Well he tries to get the boy to come with him and he still will not go. He is invited into the house but doesn't really want to go and this is a where i have stopped for now.