Sunday, April 1, 2007

The Star: Part 2

When we were discussing the story The Star on friday in class, I realized and learned a little more about the story that I didn't already know. I realized that this story could be an issue between science and religion. I never really looked at the story in that particular way until we discussed it. My thoughts on what we discussed are that I am a Christian and I do believe in God and everything he says and I don't believe that you can have faith in God and science at the same time. I also believe that God doesn't hurt people on purpose, it's all in his plan that he has for us in the future and what he wants to do. Why would you question God on what he does and what he's made when he's the one who has done it?..You should never question God and what he has done for all of us and he's the one who made the solar system and if he wants to destroy it he will. There should Never ever be any questioning towards God, he always follows through with what he does and what he says he's going to do.

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