Wednesday, March 28, 2007

* The Star *

Today when I read The Star in class, I became a little confused at some points during the story. Also I had a few questions about the story and jotted down some notes. I seem to think that these are two astronomers who are on a spaceship trying to figure out some things about stars. now to me, this story haas alot of questions it asks and confusion. Like why do they mention things about thinking someone has a special interest in us? Or ask questions about how the supernovas occur?. In my opinion this story was ok, but wasn't very interesting. It kind of bounced back and forth to me and I didn't follow real well. But I did get out of it is that there are two astronomers trying to question God and why this big supernova would hit so hard and destroy such a nice place. And my last question that i did jot down was about when they were asking about the sun. Does the sun really have only one meaning?

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