Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Conflicts in my book..

In the book im reading, Out of the Silent Planet by: CS Lewis. I have only come across one conflict when reading so far. The conflict I have addressed was a Man vs. Nature conflict. In one chapter I read, it was about how Ransom was on this planet and was trying to fight off these creatures called sorns. He battled back and forth to try and save himself from these creatures. They were very vicious creatures and were after Ransom. He described them as " surrealistic bogy-men" with their long faces. This conflict as I stated above is the only one I could actually find so far in my book but im sure there are more to come....

1 comment:

mISTERnAIL said...

how far in it are you? i would think (and do, even though it's been a while since a read it) that there would be more than one type present.